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  • Státní kulturní politika na léta 2021–2025

    The state cultural policy is a strategic document that all specialized strategies and conceptual materials of the Ministry of Culture draw on. It also serves as the main point of reference for the cultural institutions funded by the state. The National Cultural Policy was adopted by a resolution of the government. It is published periodically. First of all, the current state of the cultural and creative fields in the Czech Republic is analysed. This analysis includes statistical data concerning the services, human resources or financing of culture in Czechia and

    Lege Nr. LP1350/2000 din 02.11.2000 cu privire la activitatea arhitecturală

    This legal text provides regulations for the architectural design process in Moldova. It outlines the obligations of architects, investors, contractors, and owners with regards to the construction and modification of architectural structures. The document contains a total of seven pages and is divided into four chapters covering topics such as the protection of trade secrets, the modification of architectural solutions, and intellectual property rights related to architectural works. The first chapter deals with the protection of trade secrets and states that architects have a legal obligation to keep the commercial

    Nouveau cadre de l’action culturelle – Corse

    Corsica’s cultural policy framework presents a strategic vision for fostering and preserving the island’s rich cultural heritage while integrating it into broader economic and social development. It highlights the essential role of culture in enhancing societal well-being, individual enrichment, and regional identity.The framework emphasises a participatory approach, involving local communities, cultural professionals, and experts in shaping and implementing cultural initiatives. This collaborative method aims to ensure that cultural policies are effectively tailored to regional needs and contexts. Central to the policy is the goal of increasing cultural accessibility for all

    Asetus vapaasta sivistystyöstä

    The legislation discussed in this text concerns the topic of free education and the conditions surrounding its provision. It outlines the criteria for obtaining funding for educational programs and the responsibilities of those authorised to provide such education. The legislation delves into the concept of maintaining educational standards and ensuring that qualified individuals are in charge of educational programs. It also discusses the importance of submitting applicable financial information to governing bodies, which will be used to gauge the necessity of funding allocation. The legislation places emphasis on the significance

    Swedish Code of Statutes – Museum Association 2017:563

    The Museum Act outlines the legal framework for the operation, management, and support of museums in the country. The Act defines what constitutes a museum and specifies the types of institutions that fall under its purview. It outlines the responsibilities of museums in terms of collecting, preserving, researching, and exhibiting cultural and historical artefacts. The Act specifies the governance structure of museums, including the roles and responsibilities of museum boards and directors. The Act encourages museums to engage in educational activities and outreach programs to promote cultural awareness and understanding.

    Glasgow’s Culture Strategy 2024-2030

    This municipal strategy aims to enhance the protection and promotion of heritage assets, ensuring their preservation for future generations. It establishes a framework for sustainable management, encouraging community engagement and collaboration among stakeholders. One of the key themes is the recognition of heritage as a vital component of cultural identity and community well-being. The legislation emphasizes the importance of inclusive practices, ensuring that diverse voices are heard in heritage conservation efforts. By fostering partnerships between local authorities, heritage organizations, and community groups, it aims to create a more holistic approach

    Koncepce památkové péče v České republice na léta 2024–2028

    The document is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes the achievements of the past strategic period 2017–2023. The second part of the document contains a SWOT analysis and summarizes the strong sides, weak sides, threats and opportunities that heritage conservation in the Czech Republic currently faces. The largest part of the documents concentrates on planning the development of heritage conservation in the country for the following five years. There are several, logically structured topics covered by the strategy. Firstly, it gives an overview of past legislative changes and

    Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes (Guidelines for the conservation of listed buildings and for projects to preserve and develop cultural heritage)

    The “Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes” are the guidelines adopted in Styria for the preservation of cultural heritage. The primary goals are securing, restoring, and conserving immovable as well as movable cultural heritage while promoting the dissemination of cultural heritage. In order to incentivize initiatives in the sector, the policy aims to provide financial support for the preservation of cultural heritage. A particular attention is given to the digital: the guidelines mention the significance of digital technologies in preserving

    Zákon o státní památkové péči

    The Act on State Landmark Conservation is a principal law that determines the conditions and organization of heritage site conservation in Czechia. It pertains to state institutions as well as to private persons – owners of heritage sites declared as cultural landmarks. There are several other legislative documents (instruments) of different types related to this Act. All can be found on the website of the Ministry of Culture. The first part determines different types of protection, rules for the designation of different types of cultural landmarks, or their registration. The

    Hotărâre Nr. 392 din 05-06-2024 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la modul de calcul, repartizare, utilizare și evidență a transferurilor cu destinație specială pentru susținerea tinerilor specialiști din domeniul culturii

    The law described in this text aims to support young specialists in the cultural field in the Republic of Moldova. It outlines the requirements for obtaining and distributing compensation to young professionals who meet the specified criteria. The law establishes a set of documents that must be presented by the leader of the institution in which the young specialist is active. These documents include a legalised copy of the graduate diploma or supplementary studies obtained abroad, confirmation of the specialist’s bank account number for transfer of the compensation, and a

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