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  • Twin it! Call to action: Boosting 3D for Europe’s culture by 2030

    Enhancing access to Europe’s shared cultural heritage for everyone to enjoy and be inspired by is a major EU policy goal. From increasing access to culture and improving engagement, to supporting preservation and fostering reuse, 3D offers unprecedented opportunities to advance this objective. 3D models are not just digital copies of heritage assets. They capture intricate details about the object and its story, as well as the digital documentation process, offering new knowledge and fresh insights. In 2019, EU Member States acknowledged the potential of 3D for digital preservation that

    Örebro läns kulturplan 2024–2027 (Örebro county cultural plan 2024-2027)

    The “Örebro läns kulturplan 2024–2027” outlines a strategic vision to integrate culture as a core component of regional development. It focuses on creating a vibrant and inclusive cultural ecosystem, emphasizing artistic freedom, access to high-quality culture, and fostering creativity across the region. The plan aligns cultural activities with broader goals such as social cohesion, public health, and sustainable development under the regional development strategy (RUS). Heritage holds a central place in the plan, serving as a foundation for identity and continuity. Preservation and promotion of cultural heritage sites, integration of

    Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes (Guidelines for the conservation of listed buildings and for projects to preserve and develop cultural heritage)

    The “Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes” are the guidelines adopted in Styria for the preservation of cultural heritage. The primary goals are securing, restoring, and conserving immovable as well as movable cultural heritage while promoting the dissemination of cultural heritage. In order to incentivize initiatives in the sector, the policy aims to provide financial support for the preservation of cultural heritage. A particular attention is given to the digital: the guidelines mention the significance of digital technologies in preserving

    Plano de Ação Regional para a Cultura Norte 2030

    The Action Plan for Culture NORTE 2030 aims to develop the cultural and creative sectors in the Northern region of Portugal, aligning with the European Union’s funding cycle and strategic priorities for 2021-2027. Its mission is to create a cohesive set of proposals that enhance cultural heritage and promote creativity, thereby contributing to economic growth and social inclusion. The plan is built on three transversal objectives: increasing qualifications across the population, ensuring equitable access to quality public services, and improving regional governance efficiency. The plan outlines three main programs: NORTE

    Nationell strategi för digitalt kulturarv (National Strategy for Digital Cultural Heritage)

    The National Strategy for Digital Cultural Heritage by Sweden’s National Heritage Board provides a framework to enhance the accessibility, preservation, and utility of cultural heritage through digital transformation. It aims to make heritage materials widely accessible online, linking diverse cultural data for use in education, tourism, and research. This strategy emphasizes sustainable digital preservation, ensuring materials are securely stored against potential risks like cyber threats or physical loss. Key initiatives focus on user-centered design, collaboration across sectors, and promoting digital literacy. This comprehensive approach positions digital cultural heritage as a

    Region Västerbottens kulturplan 2024-2027 (Region Västerbotten’s cultural plan 2024-2027)

    The Region Västerbotten Culture Plan 2024–2027 establishes a vision for the region’s cultural development over four years, emphasizing sustainability, accessibility, and community inclusion. Its core goals highlight the importance of culture in societal growth, advocating for increased public engagement and the protection of cultural heritage. The plan aligns regional efforts with national cultural policies and addresses the unique needs of Västerbotten’s communities, from urban centers to remote areas. A significant focus of the plan is on preserving and revitalizing cultural heritage and environments. It calls for sustainable practices in heritage

    Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om at 3D-dokumentere Danmarks unikke bygnings- og anlægsarv (Proposal for a Parliamentary Resolution to 3D document Denmark’s unique building and construction heritage)

    This legislative proposal advocates for the 3D documentation of Denmark’s unique building and construction heritage. By creating accurate 3D models of culturally significant structures, Denmark aims to ensure their preservation and facilitate restoration in cases of damage from fire, natural disasters, or vandalism. The document emphasizes the importance of preserving historical buildings and sites, inspired by the successful use of 3D models in the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It highlights the potential for 3D technology to accurately capture architectural details, enabling precise reconstructions and preserving cultural heritage

    Pravilnik o nacionalnim standardima za digitalizaciju bibliotečke gradje (Rulebook on National Standards for the Digitisation of Library Materials)

    The document outlines the national standards for digitising library materials in Montenegro. It specifies the basic digitization processes, including scanning, digital photography, conversion of microfilmed materials into digital form, metadata assignment, text recognition (OCR), and the creation of XML files for full-text collection searching. The selection criteria for digitization focus on cultural significance, scientific, artistic, and educational value, rarity, regional relevance, and copyright considerations. Technical prerequisites, required equipment, and software for digitisation, processing, and web presentation are detailed. The document emphasizes the importance of maintaining digital material authenticity, ensuring stable

    Smernice za digitalizaciju kulturnog nasledja u Republici Srbiji (Guidelines for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Serbia)

    The document outlines a comprehensive approach for the digital preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. It details procedures and best practices for creating digital versions of cultural assets, including the development of digital catalogs, the long-term preservation of digitized heritage, and ensuring broad and secure access to these digital resources. The guidelines emphasize the importance of using standardized metadata systems, selecting priority items for digitization based on their cultural significance and physical condition, and employing modern technology to facilitate the digitization process. By following these guidelines, Serbian cultural institutions aim

    Kultuuri arengukava 2021-2030 (Cultural development plan 2021-2030)

    The Culture Development Plan 2021-2030 is the document that establishes the strategic goals in the field of culture and continues the strategy set out in the Fundamentals of Cultural Policy until 2020. The implementation of the development plan is coordinated by the Ministry of Culture. Cultural heritage is specifically elaborate on as priority 2: Estonian cultural memory is preserved and valued. Objectives of the development plan include: Estonian culture vibrant, evolving and open to the world, and participation in culture is a natural part of everyone’s life, Estonian cultural life

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