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  • Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes (Guidelines for the conservation of listed buildings and for projects to preserve and develop cultural heritage)

    The “Förderungsrichtlinie für die Substanzerhaltung denkmalgeschützter Objekte und für Projekte zur Bewahrung und Erschließung des kulturellen Erbes” are the guidelines adopted in Styria for the preservation of cultural heritage. The primary goals are securing, restoring, and conserving immovable as well as movable cultural heritage while promoting the dissemination of cultural heritage. In order to incentivize initiatives in the sector, the policy aims to provide financial support for the preservation of cultural heritage. A particular attention is given to the digital: the guidelines mention the significance of digital technologies in preserving

    Pravilnik o nacionalnim standardima za digitalizaciju bibliotečke gradje (Rulebook on National Standards for the Digitisation of Library Materials)

    The document outlines the national standards for digitising library materials in Montenegro. It specifies the basic digitization processes, including scanning, digital photography, conversion of microfilmed materials into digital form, metadata assignment, text recognition (OCR), and the creation of XML files for full-text collection searching. The selection criteria for digitization focus on cultural significance, scientific, artistic, and educational value, rarity, regional relevance, and copyright considerations. Technical prerequisites, required equipment, and software for digitisation, processing, and web presentation are detailed. The document emphasizes the importance of maintaining digital material authenticity, ensuring stable

    Smernice za digitalizaciju kulturnog nasledja u Republici Srbiji (Guidelines for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Serbia)

    The document outlines a comprehensive approach for the digital preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. It details procedures and best practices for creating digital versions of cultural assets, including the development of digital catalogs, the long-term preservation of digitized heritage, and ensuring broad and secure access to these digital resources. The guidelines emphasize the importance of using standardized metadata systems, selecting priority items for digitization based on their cultural significance and physical condition, and employing modern technology to facilitate the digitization process. By following these guidelines, Serbian cultural institutions aim

    Kultuuri arengukava 2021-2030

    The Culture Development Plan 2021-2030 is the document that establishes the strategic goals in the field of culture and continues the strategy set out in the Fundamentals of Cultural Policy until 2020. The implementation of the development plan is coordinated by the Ministry of Culture. Cultural heritage is specifically elaborate on as priority 2: Estonian cultural memory is preserved and valued. Objectives of the development plan include: Estonian culture vibrant, evolving and open to the world, and participation in culture is a natural part of everyone’s life, Estonian cultural life

    Plano Estratégico Municipal de Cultura de Setúbal 2030

    The Setúbal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 is a comprehensive framework designed to enhance cultural diversity, promote accessibility, and foster sustainable development. It aims to address various aspects of cultural and community life, including reducing ecological impact, promoting local culture, and improving communication channels. The plan emphasises the importance of community involvement and engagement in cultural activities, aiming to create a more inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape. Initiatives outlined in the plan focus on multicultural programming, job creation in the cultural sector, and the preservation of heritage sites. Additionally,


    (Flemish Cultural Heritage Decree) The Flemish government has introduced the Cultural Heritage Decree to encourage the proper care and management of cultural heritage. The main goals are to create a robust cultural heritage field, promote high-quality and sustainable activities, and enhance the social integration of cultural heritage. This involves supporting organizations and communities engaged in cultural heritage work, fostering the development of various heritage practices, and facilitating collaboration to strengthen a network of cultural heritage entities. The decree also emphasizes international cooperation, aiming to promote exchange and enhance the cultural

    Plano Estratégico para o Desenvolvimento Cultural de Tavira

    The Strategic Plan for the Cultural Development of Tavira outlines a comprehensive strategy for the cultural development of Tavira, focusing on preserving the city’s rich cultural heritage and promoting contemporary art. The document emphasises the importance of cultural values, strategic objectives, and an action plan to drive cultural growth in Tavira. It includes a detailed analysis of strategic municipal documents related to education, social issues, youth, tourism, economic development, and urban planning to inform the cultural development strategy. The preliminary version of the document highlights the significance of collaboration with

    Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023

    This legislation regulates the the preservation and promotion of historic heritage, with a particular focus on archaeological and architectural heritage. It outlines the coordination and development of public policy to promote the best practices in preserving Irish Heritage. It also highlights general prohibitions, such as false or misleading statements, obstruction of heritage sites, and knowingly supplying equipment for use in an offense under this act. Moreover, it outlines general powers, inspections, enforcement notices and arrest, search and seizure powers of officers and other relevant bodies in the protection of Heritage

    2023 Report on the state of the Digital Decade

    The 2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade is a 2021 Communication of the European Commission aiming to pursue digital policies that advance a human centred, sustainable and more prosperous digital future in Europe. The Communication specifically recognises the need for this approach to be fully integrated in the cultural sector, by noting that digital technologies are vital for citizens to access basic services such as health and culture. The Communication sets concrete targets to measure progress in digitisation efforts by 2030. In September 2023, the European

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