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  • Nacionalna razvojna strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2030. godine (National development strategy until 2030 Republic of Croatia)

    The National Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 incorporates the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage as an integral component of its broader objectives for sustainable development and social cohesion. It emphasizes the significance of cultural heritage in promoting national identity, fostering social inclusion, and contributing to economic development through tourism and the creative industries. The strategy outlines plans to invest in the restoration and conservation of cultural monuments and sites, leveraging them as catalysts for local development and as pivotal elements in the country’s tourism offering. Recognizing the vulnerability

    Kultuuri arengukava 2021-2030

    The Culture Development Plan 2021-2030 is the document that establishes the strategic goals in the field of culture and continues the strategy set out in the Fundamentals of Cultural Policy until 2020. The implementation of the development plan is coordinated by the Ministry of Culture. Cultural heritage is specifically elaborate on as priority 2: Estonian cultural memory is preserved and valued. Objectives of the development plan include: Estonian culture vibrant, evolving and open to the world, and participation in culture is a natural part of everyone’s life, Estonian cultural life

    Decreto-Lei n.º 11/2024, de 8 de janeiro: alteração do estatuto das orquestras regionais

    The decree-law focuses on the establishment of regional orchestras and outlines various provisions related to their functioning. It emphasises the promotion of cultural heritage, educational activities, and training opportunities for music students and professionals. Regional orchestras pursue goals of public interest in the field of the dissemination of classical music in the different communities in which they are located. The objectives of regional orchestras are, among others, to promote people’s access to cultural enjoyment and creation, to collaborate with local institutions and cultural agents to build an integrated and richer


    (Flemish Cultural Heritage Decree) The Flemish government has introduced the Cultural Heritage Decree to encourage the proper care and management of cultural heritage. The main goals are to create a robust cultural heritage field, promote high-quality and sustainable activities, and enhance the social integration of cultural heritage. This involves supporting organizations and communities engaged in cultural heritage work, fostering the development of various heritage practices, and facilitating collaboration to strengthen a network of cultural heritage entities. The decree also emphasizes international cooperation, aiming to promote exchange and enhance the cultural

    Libro Verde para la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Green paper on the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Decreto-Lei n.º 79/2023, de 4 de setembro: Criação da Museus e Monumentos de Portugal, E. P. E.

    This decree-law creates the Museums and Monuments of Portugal (Museus e Monumentos de Portugal, Entidade Pública Empresarial [E. P. E.]) and approves its Statutes. Museus e Monumentos de Portugal, E. P. E., replaces the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage in terms of its mission, remit, assets and human resources in the following areas: – Management of national museums, monuments and palaces; – Implementation of the national museological policy; and – Protection, conservation and restoration, research, valorisation and communication of national collections and movable cultural heritage. It is a legal person governed

    Portaria n.º 238/2023, de 28 de julho: Sistema de Incentivos «Internacionalização, Modernização e Transição Digital do Livro e dos Autores»

    This Ordinance approves the Regulation of the Incentive System “Internationalisation, Modernisation and Digital Transition of Books and Authors”, related to investment C04-i01, “Cultural Networks and Digital Transition” of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), attached to this Ordinance and of which it forms an integral part. This system focuses on supporting the digital transformation of cultural networks within the arts, literature, and cultural heritage sectors. Eligible expenses encompass a wide range of activities such as the development of audiobooks, ebooks, and the modernization of bookstores to adapt to the digital

    Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023

    The historic environment is a fundamental element of Wales’ national heritage and collective identity. The Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 aims at preserving, protecting, and managing the country’s historic environment for future generations. The Act defines a monument as any structure, building, or work, along with their site, relating to previous human activity within Wales. It lays out a schedule of monuments of national importance that cannot be altered, disturbed or destroyed. The legislation provides for the maintenance of historic parks and gardens through registration. It also mandates the creation

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