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    The legislation discussed in this text concerns the topic of free education and the conditions surrounding its provision. It outlines the criteria for obtaining funding for educational programs and the responsibilities of those authorised to provide such education. The legislation delves into the concept of maintaining educational standards and ensuring that qualified individuals are in charge of educational programs. It also discusses the importance of submitting applicable financial information to governing bodies, which will be used to gauge the necessity of funding allocation. The legislation places emphasis on the significance

    Swedish Code of Statutes – Museum Association 2017:563

    The Museum Act outlines the legal framework for the operation, management, and support of museums in the country. The Act defines what constitutes a museum and specifies the types of institutions that fall under its purview. It outlines the responsibilities of museums in terms of collecting, preserving, researching, and exhibiting cultural and historical artefacts. The Act specifies the governance structure of museums, including the roles and responsibilities of museum boards and directors. The Act encourages museums to engage in educational activities and outreach programs to promote cultural awareness and understanding.

    2016. évi LXXIV. törvény a településkép védelméről

    A law laying the national framework for the system of individual policy documents of the settlements. It defines the framework for “settlement preservation statutes” and “settlement preservation handbooks”, which serve as the local tools for the protection and regulation of settlements. There is a strong emphasis on the regulation of advertisements. In Hungary the building authorities are the county offices of the state government, while the settlements can control the building activities through so-called settlement preservation appraisals, which follow the local regulation. The local statutes also include the listed buildings

    Bundesgesetz betreffend den Schutz von Denkmalen wegen ihrer geschichtlichen, künstlerischen oder sonstigen kulturellen Bedeutung (Denkmalschutzgesetz – DMSG) (Monuments Protection Act)

    The Denkmalschutzgesetz DMSG (Monuments Protection Act) is the Austrian national law for cultural heritage protection. Into force since 1923, the Act has been amended several times, with the last being in 2024. As the general law for cultural heritage protection, in the DMSG is to be found the national definition of cultural heritage and monument, which emphasises the historic, artistic, and cultural significance, and its scope of application. It establishes the protection regime and measures, and it prohibits destruction or alteration of monuments without proper authorisation. The DMSG regulates as

    Nacionalna razvojna strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2030. godine (National development strategy until 2030 Republic of Croatia)

    The National Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 incorporates the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage as an integral component of its broader objectives for sustainable development and social cohesion. It emphasizes the significance of cultural heritage in promoting national identity, fostering social inclusion, and contributing to economic development through tourism and the creative industries. The strategy outlines plans to invest in the restoration and conservation of cultural monuments and sites, leveraging them as catalysts for local development and as pivotal elements in the country’s tourism offering. Recognizing the vulnerability

    Kultuuri arengukava 2021-2030

    The Culture Development Plan 2021-2030 is the document that establishes the strategic goals in the field of culture and continues the strategy set out in the Fundamentals of Cultural Policy until 2020. The implementation of the development plan is coordinated by the Ministry of Culture. Cultural heritage is specifically elaborate on as priority 2: Estonian cultural memory is preserved and valued. Objectives of the development plan include: Estonian culture vibrant, evolving and open to the world, and participation in culture is a natural part of everyone’s life, Estonian cultural life

    Decreto-Lei n.º 11/2024, de 8 de janeiro: alteração do estatuto das orquestras regionais

    The decree-law focuses on the establishment of regional orchestras and outlines various provisions related to their functioning. It emphasises the promotion of cultural heritage, educational activities, and training opportunities for music students and professionals. Regional orchestras pursue goals of public interest in the field of the dissemination of classical music in the different communities in which they are located. The objectives of regional orchestras are, among others, to promote people’s access to cultural enjoyment and creation, to collaborate with local institutions and cultural agents to build an integrated and richer

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain »

    In response to the growing need for cultural preservation and promotion, a recent legislation has been enacted to establish a public institution dedicated to contemporary art in Luxembourg. This initiative aims to foster artistic creation, experimentation, and cultural exchange on a national and international scale. The newly formed “Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain” is mandated to serve as a hub for artistic innovation and dialogue within the visual arts and contemporary creative landscape. The legislation introduces significant modifications to tax laws and cultural funding mechanisms, signalling a strategic shift

    Loi du 14 juillet 2023 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean »

    This legislation is establishing a public institution dedicated to modern and contemporary art in Luxembourg. This law creates the “Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean” under the Ministry of Culture, emphasising its role in collecting, preserving, and researching modern art. The institution aims to provide broad public access to its collection and promote artistic and cultural activities of national and international significance. The newly formed establishment is granted legal autonomy and financial independence to fulfil its mission of showcasing diverse trends in modern and contemporary art. It is mandated to organise

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