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  • Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės nutarimas dėl kultūros paveldo objektų ir vietovių apsaugos zonų nustatymo taisyklių patvirtinimo (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of the rules for the establishment of protection zones for cultural heritage objects and sites)

    The rules for establishing protection zones for cultural heritage objects and sites regulate the principles for defining and establishing these zones, as well as marking their boundaries. These rules apply to cultural heritage objects and sites declared protected by the state or municipalities. The protection zones and their subzones are determined based on legal acts and documents prepared by the Department of Cultural Heritage and municipal evaluation councils. The rules do not cover the establishment of protection zones for historical national parks, historical regional parks, cultural reserves, and their buffer

    Nutarimas dėl kilnojamųjų kultūros vertybių ir antikvarinių daiktų išvežimo iš lietuvos respublikos taisyklių ir kilnojamųjų kultūros vertybių ir antikvarinių daiktų, kuriuos išvežant iš Lietuvos Respublikos būtina turėti kultūros paveldo departamento prie Kultūros Ministerijos leidimą, sąrašo patvirtinimo 2004 m. Lapkričio 9 d. Nr. 1424 (Decree on the Rules for the Export of Movable Cultural Property and Antiques from the Republic of Lithuania and the Approval of the List of Movable Cultural Property and Antiques for Export from the Republic of Lithuania Requiring a Permit from the Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture 9 November 2004 No 1424)

    The document focuses on the export of movable cultural objects and antiques, delineates rules for their removal from Lithuania and the European Union. The regulations apply to items listed in the cultural property and antiques inventory, necessitating permits from the Department of Cultural Heritage for export. Procedures for exporting cultural objects beyond the EU and regulations from Council Regulation (EC) No 116/2009 are outlined. The term ‘applicant’ refers to individuals or entities seeking export permits. The document emphasizes the appraisal and cultural value determination by the Council for the Protection

    Lietuvos Respublikos kilnojamųjų kultūros vertybių apsaugos įstatymas (Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Protection of Movable Cultural Property)

    The comprehensive law on movable cultural property in the Republic of Lithuania establishes a framework for protection, administration, and movement of cultural objects. Covering aspects such as inventory management, safekeeping, and ownership acquisition, the law aligns with EU legal acts. It emphasizes the creation of state inventories, including the Register of Cultural Property, museums, libraries, and the National Documentary Fund. Public access to the Register is encouraged, with exceptions for personal data. Chapter Four focuses on safekeeping responsibilities for owners, with provisions for warnings and administrative liability. The law addresses

    Republic of Lithuania Law on Territorial Planning

    The Republic of Lithuania Law on Territorial Planning governs the planning of the nation’s territory, including its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea. A key objective of this law is to ensure sustainable development and rational urbanization while emphasizing the preservation of heritage sites. The law mandates systematic solutions for territorial planning and requires compatibility and interaction between different levels of planning documents. It specifically aims to safeguard valuable landscapes, biodiversity, and natural and cultural heritage values. This includes the preservation of both natural heritage sites

    The Republic of Lithuania Law on Construction

    The Republic of Lithuania Law on Construction sets essential requirements for construction, reconstruction, and repair within Lithuania, regulating the technical processes, design, supervision, and maintenance of construction works. This law excludes specific regulations for natural resource constructions and cultural heritage research, which are governed by other laws. The document establishes guidelines for all construction-related activities, defines roles and responsibilities of construction participants, public entities, and other stakeholders. Heritage preservation: the law excludes direct application to cultural heritage research and maintenance, covered under the Law on the Protection of Immovable Cultural

    Lietuvos Respublikos nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo apsaugos įstatymas (Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Protection of Immovable Cultural Heritage)

    The Law on the Protection of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Lithuania focuses on preserving and transmitting the nation’s immovable cultural heritage. It establishes legal foundations for accounting, safeguarding, and maintaining cultural assets. The law covers definitions, protection regulations, and classifications of immovable cultural heritage, emphasizing the importance of preservation and authenticity. It outlines state administration structures, involvement of municipalities, and roles of various entities in shaping national policies. The law details procedures for recognizing and protecting cultural heritage objects, emphasizing research significance. Specific safeguarding regimes, rights, and duties of managers,

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