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  • Lege Nr. LP1350/2000 din 02.11.2000 cu privire la activitatea arhitecturală (Law No. LP1350/2000 of 02.11.2000 on architectural activity)

    This legal text provides regulations for the architectural design process in Moldova. It outlines the obligations of architects, investors, contractors, and owners with regards to the construction and modification of architectural structures. The document contains a total of seven pages and is divided into four chapters covering topics such as the protection of trade secrets, the modification of architectural solutions, and intellectual property rights related to architectural works. The first chapter deals with the protection of trade secrets and states that architects have a legal obligation to keep the commercial

    Hotărâre Nr. 392 din 05-06-2024 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la modul de calcul, repartizare, utilizare și evidență a transferurilor cu destinație specială pentru susținerea tinerilor specialiști din domeniul culturii (Decision No. 392 of 05-06-2024 for the approval of the Regulation supporting young specialists in the cultural field)

    The law described in this text aims to support young specialists in the cultural field in the Republic of Moldova. It outlines the requirements for obtaining and distributing compensation to young professionals who meet the specified criteria. The law establishes a set of documents that must be presented by the leader of the institution in which the young specialist is active. These documents include a legalised copy of the graduate diploma or supplementary studies obtained abroad, confirmation of the specialist’s bank account number for transfer of the compensation, and a

    Lege Nr. 12 din 01-02-2024 privind Fondul național al culturii (Law No. 12 of 01-02-2024 on the National Fund for Culture)

    A new law recently published in Moldova lays out the legal framework for the National Cultural Fund, a government initiative designed to support and promote artistic and cultural endeavours within the country. The law stipulates that the Fund will finance cultural and editorial projects and outlines its main objectives, such as supporting and promoting artistic creation, encouraging mobility and residency for artists and creatives, developing management and technical skills, and creating new products, services, and infrastructure within the cultural sector. One notable feature of the law is that funding for

    Lege pentru modificarea Legii monumentelor de for public nr. 192/2011 (Law for the modification of the Law on public forum monuments no. 192/2011)

    This law focuses on the amendments proposed by the Ministry of Culture in Moldova to the Law on Public Monuments. The primary objective of the proposed modifications is to provide a legal framework that safeguards and preserves public monuments of cultural significance. The document outlines the key elements of the legislation, including the degree of compatibility required for projects intended to harmonize national laws with European Union regulations. The proposed legislation encourages the responsible use of public funds in heritage protection, including the regulation and approval process for new developments.

    Lege Nr. 449 din 28-12-2023 pentru modificarea Legii culturii nr. 413/1999 (Law No. 449 of 28-12-2023 amending the Law on Culture no. 413/1999)

    A recent legislation in Moldova seeks to introduce changes to the Law of Culture, which was first enacted in 1999. The new law aims to expand the state’s responsibilities towards young talents and graduates in the cultural sector. It provides for a range of incentives, including financial aid and other employment-related advantages. These benefits are meant to motivate successful graduates to work for a public institution in the cultural domain and thus enable them to pursue their artistic career with greater ease. One of the key provisions of the new

    Guvernul Hotărâre Nr. 470 din 05-07-2023 pentru punerea în aplicare a prevederilor Legii nr. 280/2011 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural național mobil (Government Decision No. 470 of 05-07-2023 for the implementation of the provisions of Law no. 280/2011 on the protection of the movable national cultural heritage)

    This decree covers the legal framework regulating the protection of the national movable cultural heritage of Moldova. It presents the provisions for protecting the national cultural heritage and promoting its appreciation by society. The legal document defines the concept of national cultural heritage, as well as the conditions and criteria under which a specific object or collection can be considered as a part of this heritage. It also specifies the rules and procedures regarding the registration of cultural heritage objects, as well as granting and revoking their legal status. The

    Hotărâre Nr. 83 din 22-02-2023 cu privire la aprobarea Regulamentului de organizare și funcționare a casei de cultură (Decision No. 83 of 22-02-2023 on the approval of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the house of culture)

    This regulation outlines the objectives, powers, and responsibilities of cultural centres in Moldova. These centres are established for the preservation, conservation, and promotion of cultural activities, traditions, and values within the local communities. The document lays out general objectives for these cultural centres in the country, which includes organising and facilitating cultural, educational, and tourist activities and services, conserving and promoting cultural heritage, encouraging creative talent, promoting artistic values, and promoting contemporary art and interpretation across all disciplines. As a result, these objectives help to foster a sense of community,

    Programul De Activitate Al Guvernului: Moldova prosperă, sigură, europeană, aprobat prin Hotărârea Parlamentului nr. 28 din 16 februarie 2023 (The Government’s Activity Program: Prosperous, Safe, European Moldova, approved by Parliament Decision no. 28 of 16 February 2023)

    The government of Moldova has recently approved a program aimed at achieving prosperity, security, and European integration for the country through a range of strategic measures. The document outlines various policies and actions, which will be implemented over the following years to promote economic growth, improve social services, strengthen democratic institutions, and ensure national security. The program is targeted at all professionals but enthusiasts in the field of heritage who want to understand how this initiative will impact their work will find this informative. Of particular interest to this target

    Strategiei Naționale de Dezvoltare, Moldova 2030 (National Development Strategy, Moldova 2030)

    This concept note outlines the framework of Moldova’s next National Development Strategy called Moldova 2030. The document is structured into three main chapters that examine the fundamental factors influencing the country’s trajectory towards 2030, the alignment between development planning efforts and systemic development trends, and the concrete priorities to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Through analyses, the note highlights the central role played by various factors, such as demographics, migration, social, economic, climatic, and governance on Moldova’s development journey into its 2030 future. The document estimates that Moldova’s

    Lege Nr. 285 din 06-10-2022 pentru modificarea Legii nr. 280/2011 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural național mobil (Law No. 285 of 06-10-2022 amending Law no. 280/2011 on the protection of the movable national cultural heritage)

    In Moldova, cultural heritage is protected by law. The Cultural Heritage Law is designed to safeguard the country’s movable and immovable cultural heritage. The purpose of this law is to provide proper management, protection, and conservation methods for national heritage. The law defines the legal framework for the safeguarding of different categories of cultural heritage, including historical sites, architectural landmarks, and other significant cultural artefacts. The law includes several revisions, with the latest one being passed in 2018. The revisions introduce more detailed procedures for the classification, inventorying, and cataloguing

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