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  • EU Work Plan for Culture 2023–2026

    As part of its efforts to safeguard cultural heritage, the European Union has developed a strategic approach to cultural relations that serves as a framework for promoting international cultural dialogue. The strategy supports the exchange of knowledge and skills among artists, creatives, cultural operators, and other stakeholders, with a special focus on preserving cultural heritage in vulnerable regions. The EU’s strategic approach is also committed to increasing diversity and mutual understanding to strengthen cultural relations between the EU and third countries. The EU Strategic Approach to International Cultural Relations and

    European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage

    The European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage is a comprehensive policy document that seeks to set forward an embracing strategy for diverse cultural themes, such as heritage preservation, conservation, and promotion, across the European Union. At its core, the framework recognizes that cultural heritage is a critical resource for the future that must be protected and enhanced for the coming generations. To achieve this goal, the framework proposes a series of actions under three clusters: capitalizing on technological tools for innovation, fostering social innovation, and strengthening skills in the

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