EU Work Plan for Culture 2023–2026

As part of its efforts to safeguard cultural heritage, the European Union has developed a strategic approach to cultural relations that serves as a framework for promoting international cultural dialogue. The strategy supports the exchange of knowledge and skills among artists, creatives, cultural operators, and other stakeholders, with a special focus on preserving cultural heritage in vulnerable regions. The EU’s strategic approach is also committed to increasing diversity and mutual understanding to strengthen cultural relations between the EU and third countries.

The EU Strategic Approach to International Cultural Relations and the Framework for Action is aimed at expanding the scope of cultural relations and showcasing the EU’s diverse cultural heritage. The approach has three main objectives, namely promoting cultural diversity, promoting dialogue for peace and sustainable development, and reinforcing the role of culture in external relations. The EU’s strategic approach includes policy measures aimed at enhancing cultural rights, boosting cultural exchanges programs, and promoting intercultural dialogue for conflict resolution.

The EU framework identifies key priority areas for action, which include promoting culture and creativity for social and economic development, strengthening the role of heritage in EU external action, investing in people-to-people cooperation initiatives, and promoting multilingualism and cultural diversity. The framework also seeks to increase civil society participation in cultural relations and establish cultural partnerships that are mutually beneficial to all parties involved.

In conclusion, the EU Strategic Approach to International Cultural Relations and the Framework for Action is a comprehensive strategy that outlines policy measures aimed at promoting harmonious cultural relations among people from different regions of the world. It highlights the importance of preserving cultural heritage, cultural diplomacy, and intercultural dialogue in promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between the EU and third countries. This approach will go a long way in fostering cultural relations between people of different cultures and promoting sustainable development in vulnerable regions facing conflicts, crises, and other challenges.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Council of the European Union
Cultural Heritage, European Cultural Citzenship, Action Plan, cultural diversity, International, Social Development, Economic Development
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