Policy Profile Lithuania


Lithuania is a member state of the European Union and is therefore required to implement all EU directives, laws, regulations and policies, including those related to heritage and culture. 

Lithuania and the EU

The European Commission and European Parliament have a Representation and Liaison Offices respectively in Vilnius. The Lithuanian Government maintains a Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels.

National Cultural Policy in Lithuania

At a national level, the framework for cultural policy is managed by two main bodies. One is the Kultūros Komitetas (Committee on Culture) of the Seimas (Parliament)  which adopts decisions and analyses legislation. It is advised by 4 expert bodies with policy implementation functions: Valstybiné Kultūros Paveldo Komisija (National Commission for Cultural Heritage), the Lietuvos Radijo ir Televizijos Komisija (Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania), the Valstybiné Lietuvių Kalbos Komisija (State Commission of the Lithuanian Language), and the Etninés Kultūros Globos Taryba (Council for the Protection of Ethnic Culture).

The second is the Lietuvos Respublikos Kultūros Ministerija (Ministry for Culture) which develops and implements state cultural policy, transnational cultural programmes and international treaties. It has 16 advisory councils (e.g. the Etninės kultūros ir nematerialaus kultūros paveldo taryba – Council on Ethnic Culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage), and 6 administrative and cultural policy implementation bodies: the Lietuvos kultūros taryba (Lithuanian Council for Culture), the Lietuvos kino centras (Lithuanian Film Center), the Lietuvos kultūros Institutas (Lithuanian Culture Institute), the Lietuvos nacionalinė UNESCO komisija (Lithuanian National UNESCO Commission), the Kultūros Paveldo Departamentas (Department of Cultural Heritage), and the Valstybiné Kalbos Inspekcija (State Language Inspectorate).

Regional Policies in Lithuania

The first objective of the “Lithuanian Cultural Policy Strategy 2030”, adopted in 2019 by the Lithuanian Government,  is to strengthen the cooperation between the state, municipal and non-governmental sectors. While there are no regional authorities, the 60 municipalities can establish committees (boards) to deal with cultural policy issues. Many local authorities have created units for cultural management, but there is no information on their number and exact role.

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* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

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