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  • Dos ortógrafos portugueses aos “Portugalliae Monumenta Linguistica”: a reedição dos tratados metaortográficos portugueses dos séculos XVI a XVIII

    The article discusses the implementation of a multi-layered system with distinct responsibilities to ensure data integration, integrity, and automation within a portal that aims to complement existing studies with the Ortógrafos Portugueses monographic series and the Portugalliae Monumenta Linguistica project. These initiatives provide valuable resources for researchers in linguistics and Portuguese history. The portal serves as a relevant bibliography for researchers and a communication tool for the community, maintaining the visual identity of the institution. The project enables global researchers to access primary sources in Portuguese linguistics and history through

    A edição digital de forais medievais portugueses com o suporte de um sistema de edição colaborativa em base de dados

    The article discusses the need for a research plan for the digital edition of Portuguese medieval charters, highlighting three essential requirements. Firstly, it emphasises the importance of establishing a cohesive textual corpus, consistently highlighting gaps and interpretative challenges. Secondly, it underscores the need for methodologies and interdisciplinary collaboration, given the complexity of these documents that require contributions from areas such as History, Diplomacy, Paleography, and Linguistics. Finally, it highlights the importance of digital tools for data collection and the dissemination of digital editions in an open format. The iForal project

    Introdução: Património textual – Abordagens interdisciplinares

    This text serves as an introduction to the special issue of the journal “Diacrítica” titled “Textual Heritage: Interdisciplinary Approaches”. This special issue focuses on the theme of textual heritage in the Portuguese language and aims to foster a specialised approach in the fields of literary, linguistic, cultural, aesthetic, and philosophical studies, with special emphasis on the areas of philology and textual criticism. This text introduces the concept of textual heritage and analyzes different types of text editing, including facsimile, paleographic, semi-diplomatic, critical, and interpretative editions. It emphasizes the importance of

    Ukraine Heritage Spotlight: Cancelling Russian Culture

    The ongoing war in Ukraine has not only caused physical damage. Russia’s continuing “special military operation” also has a cultural dimension, one which Ukraine is now having to fight against, and not just with heavy weaponry. In this episode of Ukraine Heritage Spotlight, we are in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv to meet renowned historian and public intellectual Professor Yaroslav Hrytsak. Hrytsak recently published a book on Ukraine which underlines the nuances of the country’s history and culture, entitled Overcoming the past: the global history of Ukraine [originally published

    A Identidade Cultural Local como Agente de Desenvolvimento Turístico

    The article explores the intricate relationship between cultural identity and tourism development, focusing on the city of Tomar as a case study. It emphasises the significance of preserving cultural heritage and leveraging it as a driver for sustainable tourism growth. Through qualitative analysis and in-depth interviews, the study identifies key cultural resources in Tomar that have the potential to attract international visitors. The research underscores the role of local agents in safeguarding cultural identity and promoting tourism activities that align with the city’s unique heritage. Furthermore, the article delves into

    Heritage and memories as a differentiating factor of community tourism: Maceira project – Village Ambassadors

    The article “Heritage and memories as a differentiating factor of community tourism: Maceira project – Village Ambassadors” focuses on the Maceira project, which aims to combat depopulation in rural areas by promoting community tourism and preserving heritage. The project involves various activities such as storytelling, community engagement, and training programs for tourist guides. These initiatives aim to promote active aging, intergenerational interaction, and the preservation of cultural identity. The project also focuses on developing strategies to enhance tourism and repopulation in the village. One of the key aspects of the

    Quinta do Mocho: a arte como inédito viável

    This article delves into the Quinta do Mocho community in Lisbon, originally a slum area that became a social neighbourhood inhabited by predominantly African migrant families. The residents, facing deteriorating living conditions, found solace and expression through art, particularly in the form of murals that depicted their dreams, music, cultural diversity, and social critique. These murals served as a means of reclaiming their space and challenging societal discrimination. The document explores the intersection of art, sociomuseology, and educational principles inspired by Paulo Freire. It emphasises the transformative power of art

    Mute: controvérsias entre música e silenciamentos, recursos para abertura de diálogo no processo expositivo do Musée du Quai Branly

    This article delves into the impact of colonial attitudes on musicology and museology, highlighting the marginalisation of non-Western musical practices and indigenous knowledge. It discusses how the colonial legacy perpetuated inequalities, silencing diverse voices and deeming certain forms of knowledge as inferior. The text emphasises the need to challenge these lingering colonial attitudes and embrace a more inclusive approach in the fields of musicology and museology. Furthermore, it explores the work of John Cage, particularly his use of silence as a provocative element in music, shedding light on the significance

    Museus Regionais e a Nova Museologia: a Campanha Nacional de Museus Regionais no Nordeste Brasileiro entre a Arte Moderna e a Arte Contemporânea

    The article discusses the influence of the New School Movement on educational practices, particularly in the context of the creation of regional museums in Brazil. It highlights the efforts to align education with societal needs and promote intellectual growth through the establishment of the National Council of Regional Museums (CNMR). The CNMR aimed to develop a network of regional museums that would serve as educational hubs, fostering a deeper understanding of Brazilian culture and history. One of the key examples mentioned is the Museum of Modern Art in São Paulo

    Um olhar Sociomuseológico sobre a Dança Contemporânea e a Performance em museus e suas potencialidades na transformação social e institucional

    The article delves into the integration of Contemporary Dance and Performance within Western museum settings. It explores the complexities and challenges associated with curating dance pieces in museums, emphasising the collaborative nature of their production and technical requirements. Artists like Amanda Piña are highlighted for their awareness of the decolonial trend in art museums, while also cautioning against the potential appropriation of this concept by institutions. The importance of adopting a sociomuseological approach is underscored to prevent the perpetuation of colonial power dynamics within museum spaces. Furthermore, the article discusses

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