Policy Profile Serbia


Serbia is a candidate country for membership of the European Union, and as such actively aligns its laws, regulations, and policies with EU standards, including those related to heritage and culture.

Serbia, the EU and Europe

While not yet required to implement all EU directives, Serbia works closely with the European Commission and participates in various EU programs to enhance its readiness for membership – Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) in particular. As part of the accession process, Serbia has opened 22 out of 35 chapters, including all chapters under cluster 1 on the fundamentals of the process and cluster 4 on Green agenda. Progress of Serbia in the field of Education and culture falls under Chapter 26. The European Union maintains a Delegation to Serbia in Belgrade which supports the Serbian Government to facilitate this process, and the Serbian Government maintains a Mission to the EU in Brussels. 

National Cultural Policy in Serbia

Serbia’s cultural policy is implemented under the “Strategic priorities for the development of culture of the Republic of Serbia from 2021 to 2025”. At the national level, cultural policy in Serbia is primarily determined by the Vlada Republike Srbije (Government of the Republic of Serbia). Policies concerning culture and heritage are predominantly under the purview of government ministries.The key ministry responsible for these areas is the Ministarstvo Kulture (Ministry of Culture and Information) while some other ministries are slowly starting to deal with some aspects of cultural heritage protection. However, the integration of heritage policies across various ministries signifies a broader approach to cultural heritage, moving beyond these ministries as the sole entities responsible for heritage-related issues.

Serbia has yet to adopt a Strategy of Cultural Development of the Republic of Serbia, pursuant to Article 19 of the Law on culture and in accordance with the guidelines of the Secretariat for Public Policies. Several state agencies are tasked with drafting and implementing cultural policies at the national level. Republički Zavod za Zaštitu Spomenika Kulture (The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia) plays a pivotal role in cataloguing and conserving Serbia’s cultural heritage. The Serbian Cultural Development Strategy outlines the government’s commitment to the arts and heritage.

Regional Policies in Serbia

Local governments in Serbia also contribute to the implementation of cultural policies, particularly through the network of Local Cultural Centers and Heritage Offices. These entities provide support, guidance, and information on cultural heritage and its valorisation at the local level, and community involvement.

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* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

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