Policy Profile Montenegro
Montenegro is a candidate country for membership of the European Union, and as such actively aligns its laws, regulations, and policies with EU standards, including those pertinent to heritage and culture.
While not obliged to implement all EU directives until it becomes a member, Montenegro actively participates in EU integration processes and adopts EU practices and policies in preparation for its accession and participates in various EU programs to enhance its readiness for membership – Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) in particular. As part of the accession process, Montenegro has opened 33 chapters. Progress of Montenegro in the field of Education and culture falls under Chapter 26. The European Union maintains a Delegation to Montenegro in Podgorica, while the Montenegrin Government has established strong links with the EU through its Mission to the EU in Brussels.
Montenegro is yet to adopt a national strategy for the development of culture for 2023-2027. At the national level, the cultural policy of Montenegro is largely formulated by the Vlade Crne Gore (Government of Montenegro). The responsibility for culture and heritage falls under the jurisdiction of specific government ministries. The Ministarstvo Prosvjete, Nauke i Inovacija (Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports) is primarily responsible for cultural policies, including the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. Additionally, Ministarstvo Turizma, Ekologije, Održivog Razvoja i Razvoja Sjevera (Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Region Development) plays a role in cultural heritage, particularly in the context of its integration with tourism and environmental policies, illustrating a holistic approach to cultural heritage that spans multiple governmental sectors.
Several agencies and institutions are helping in the creation and implementation of cultural policies at the national level. The Centar za konzervaciju i arheologiju Crne Gore (Center for Conservation and Archaeology of Montenegro), the Narodni muzej Crne Gore (National Museum of Montenegro), and other cultural institutions play critical roles in promoting Montenegrin culture and heritage, both domestically and internationally. These institutions work alongside the Ministry of Culture in implementing policies and programs that support the arts, heritage conservation, and cultural promotion.
View all Montenegro policies gathered so far
* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence