Policy Profile Malta


Malta is a member state of the European Union and is therefore required to implement all EU directives, laws, regulations and policies, including those related to heritage and culture.

Malta and the EU

The European Commission has a Representation Office in La Valetta and the European Parliament has a Liaison Office. The Maltese Government has a Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels.

National Cultural Policy in Malta

At the national level, the cultural policy of Malta is primarily defined by the Gvern Ta’ Malta (Government of Malta) through the Ministeru Għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, L-Arti U L-Gvern Lokali (Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government). However, other Ministries are also involved in shaping the Il-Politika Kulturali Nazzjonali (National Cultural Policy), whether directly or indirectly. 

The budget for the cultural and creative sector is defined by the Ministeru Għall-Finanzi (Ministry for Finance); whereas the largest share is allocated to the Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, smaller shares are destined to the Ministeru Għat-Turiżmu U L-Indafa Pubblika (Ministry for Tourism and Public Cleanliness) and to the Ministeru Għall-Edukazzjoni, Sport, Żgħażagħ, Riċerka U Innovazzjoni (Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth Research and Innovation).

Another relevant body in the cultural heritage sector is the Sovrintendenza Tal-Patrimonju Kulturali (Superintendence of Cultural Heritage), responsible for the fulfilment of State’s duties on cultural heritage protection and accessibility. The functions of the Superintendence are established in the 2002 Cultural Heritage Act.

Lastly, in 2015 in the midst of a decentralisation process, the Arts Council Malta Act allocated greater powers to the Public Cultural Organisations (PCOs) that form part of the national cultural strategy on the local level. 

Regional Policies in Malta

In 2018, the White Paper on Local Government Reform led to a further decentralisation process. In 2022, the adoption of six Regional Cultural Strategies (Gozo, North, East, West, Port, South) followed, each addressing region-specific cultural heritage needs.

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* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

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