The European Commission and European Parliament have a Representation and Liaison Offices respectively in Budapest. The Hungarian Government maintains a Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels.
The national framework for cultural policy in Hungary is managed by the Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium (Ministry for Culture and Innovation). Cultural policies are becoming increasingly mainstreamed in Hungary, and the Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) maintains a Department of Cultural and Science Diplomacy, with oktatási és kulturális diplomata (cultural attachés) in select Hungarian embassies, as well as the Hungarian Cultural Institute network composed of 26 institutes around 24 countries, promoting Hungarian culture abroad. Since 2012 the functions of the former national cultural heritage institution have been reallocated to departments of ministries. Heritage preservation is a responsibility for the Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium (Ministry of Construction and Transport) which also hosts the Műtárgyfelügyeleti Hatósági Főosztály (Inspectorate of Cultural Goods). The Office of the Prime Minister also plays a role in articulating cultural policy.
Various public institutions are involved in the cultural framework of Hungary. The Magyar Művészeti Akadémia (Hungarian Academy of Arts) plays a central role in cultural policy decision-making and funding since 2011. The Nemzeti Kulturális Alap (National Cultural Fund) is the most important semi-autonomous institution for cultural fundings. The Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap (National Cooperation Fund) has a similar role. Finally, the Nemzeti Kulturális Tanács (National Council of Culture) comments and coordinates development plans in the cultural sector.
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* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence