The European Commission has a Representation Office and the European Parliament has a Liaison Offices, both in Zagreb. The Croatian Government has a Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels. Croatia actively participates in various EU cultural programs and initiatives aimed at promoting cultural cooperation and heritage preservation.
At the national level, the cultural policy system of Croatia is primarily determined by the Vlada Republike Hrvatske (Government of Croatia). The responsibilities for culture and heritage are divided among various government ministries. The Ministarstvo Kulture i Medija (Ministry of Culture and Media) is the main body responsible for formulating and implementing policies in the areas of culture, arts, and heritage. The Ministarstvo Gospodarstva i Ordživog Razvoja (Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development) also plays a role in heritage conservation, particularly in relation to natural heritage and its integration with cultural assets. The Hrvatski Restauratorski Zavod (Croatian Conservation Institute) as a central state agency is tasked with the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage, conducting research and providing expert guidance on conservation practices.
View all Croatia policies gathered so far
* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence