Policy Profile Albania


Albania holds a candidate status both in the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe.

Albania, the EU and Europe

Albania’s relationship with the EU in the realm of cultural heritage programmes and initiatives is characterised by mutual cooperation, support, and shared goals of preserving, promoting, and celebrating both the country’s and Europe’s cultural legacy for future generations. The European Union maintains a Delegation to Albania in Tirana, and the Republic of Albania maintains a Mission to the EU in Brussels.

National Cultural Policy in Albania

The cultural policy-making landscape in Albania is characterised by a parliamentary system with robust legislative oversight by Kuvendi i Republikës së Shqipërisë (the Assembly of the Republic of Albania). Proposed laws pertaining to cultural heritage undergo comprehensive examination within parliamentary committees, ensuring adherence to democratic principles and public representation. While the President holds a ceremonial role in cultural affairs, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet wield executive authority, overseeing the implementation of cultural policies.

Several ministries are responsible for shaping cultural policies and promoting heritage conservation within the governance structure. The Ministria e Kulturës (the Ministry of Culture) plays a central role in developing strategies to safeguard Albania’s cultural heritage, including the preservation of historical sites, promotion of traditional arts, and support for cultural institutions. Additionally, Ministria e Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinisë (the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth) collaborates closely with cultural stakeholders to integrate cultural education into the national curriculum and promote cultural activities among youth.

Regional Policies in Albania

In Albania, local governments play a significant role in cultural heritage policy. Through Cultural Councils and municipal Cultural Offices, they actively contribute to heritage conservation and promotion at the grassroots level. These offices provide valuable support, advice, and information on heritage matters, working closely with national agencies to ensure cohesive implementation of cultural policies throughout Albania’s diverse regions. This collaborative approach underscores Albania’s commitment to safeguarding its rich cultural heritage and fostering cultural vitality at the local level.

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* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

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