2º Encontro de Acessibilidade e Inclusão na Arte e no Património : livro de atas

The book of proceedings from the 2nd Meeting for Accessibility and Inclusion in Art and Heritage delves into various themes aimed at promoting equal access to cultural heritage for all individuals, including those with disabilities. One of the key themes discussed is the importance of incorporating Universal Design principles in educational settings to ensure inclusivity for diverse learners. The articles emphasize the need for clear language, illustrations, and tactile resources to enhance accessibility in museums and heritage sites, making cultural experiences more engaging and informative for all visitors.

Furthermore, the proceedings shed light on the significance of involving People with Disabilities (PcD) in the co-creation of accessible resources, emphasizing the value of their perspectives in shaping inclusive practices. The meeting attendees, comprising researchers and professionals from national and international institutions, shared insights on strategies to improve access through multisensory experiences and virtual tools, fostering a collaborative approach towards enhancing accessibility in heritage settings.

Moreover, the book highlights the use of new technologies, such as virtual reality, to provide immersive experiences that bridge the gap between diverse audiences and heritage values. It underscores the importance of maintaining historical integrity while incorporating modern elements to ensure that accessibility interventions are respectful and effective. Overall, the proceedings serve as a comprehensive resource for sharing innovative approaches and best practices in the realm of art and cultural heritage, aiming to create a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape that caters to the needs of all individuals.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), Faculdade de Belas-Artes
Portuguese, Spanish
Accessibility, Inclusion, Art, Heritage, Virtual Reality, New Technologies
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