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  • Ukraine Heritage Spotlight: Cancelling Russian Culture

    The ongoing war in Ukraine has not only caused physical damage. Russia’s continuing “special military operation” also has a cultural dimension, one which Ukraine is now having to fight against, and not just with heavy weaponry. In this episode of Ukraine Heritage Spotlight, we are in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv to meet renowned historian and public intellectual Professor Yaroslav Hrytsak. Hrytsak recently published a book on Ukraine which underlines the nuances of the country’s history and culture, entitled Overcoming the past: the global history of Ukraine [originally published

    A Identidade Cultural Local como Agente de Desenvolvimento Turístico

    The article explores the intricate relationship between cultural identity and tourism development, focusing on the city of Tomar as a case study. It emphasises the significance of preserving cultural heritage and leveraging it as a driver for sustainable tourism growth. Through qualitative analysis and in-depth interviews, the study identifies key cultural resources in Tomar that have the potential to attract international visitors. The research underscores the role of local agents in safeguarding cultural identity and promoting tourism activities that align with the city’s unique heritage. Furthermore, the article delves into

    Heritage and memories as a differentiating factor of community tourism: Maceira project – Village Ambassadors

    The article “Heritage and memories as a differentiating factor of community tourism: Maceira project – Village Ambassadors” focuses on the Maceira project, which aims to combat depopulation in rural areas by promoting community tourism and preserving heritage. The project involves various activities such as storytelling, community engagement, and training programs for tourist guides. These initiatives aim to promote active aging, intergenerational interaction, and the preservation of cultural identity. The project also focuses on developing strategies to enhance tourism and repopulation in the village. One of the key aspects of the

    Ukraine Heritage Spotlight: On the ground with World Monuments Fund

    The World Monuments Fund is an independent organisation based in New York devoted to safeguarding heritage locations to build mutual understanding across cultures and communities. Since 1965, its global team of experts has preserved cultural heritage at more than 700 sites in 112 countries. Today one of the countries in need of special attention is, of course, Ukraine. One of the many specialists helping to protect Ukraine’s cultural heritage is Dr Kateryna Goncharova, Ukraine Heritage Crisis Specialist at the World Monuments Fund. For a number of years she has been

    O Potencial de Regeneração do Património Olivícola em Portugal com Suporte no Turismo Criativo

    The article “The Regeneration of the Olive Heritage in Portugal Supported by Creative Tourism” discusses the potential of creative tourism in enhancing and revitalising olive heritage in Portugal, aiming to safeguard it and promote sustainable development in rural regions. Over the past decades, modernisation in olive cultivation has threatened traditional production methods, risking the disappearance of this ancient heritage. The study suggests that creative tourism, through innovative experiences and the utilization of local resources, can serve as a pillar for rural region regeneration and contribute to reducing regional disparities. Results

    Use your vote – European elections 2024 video

    This documentary video highlights the importance of voting and safeguarding democracy, resonating widely since its release in April 2024. It features elderly citizens from various EU countries sharing personal stories with the younger generation about democracy, emphasising its value and the necessity of active participation in elections. The video has been viewed over 190 million times across multiple platforms including social media and TV channels in 21 countries, underscoring the message that democracy and voting should not be taken for granted. Its tagline, “Use Your Vote. Or others will decide

    The Climate Heritage Paradox

    This document highlights the significance of redefining heritage values on a global scale, promoting inclusivity and collaboration across borders. Gain insights into the potential of a new global heritage programme to transcend existing conventions and foster a shared heritage vision for humanity. The discussion extends to the impact of climate change on cultural heritage preservation, urging a reevaluation of conservation practices in the face of environmental threats. For archaeology to adequately address the global challenges of climate change, it needs to resolve the Climate Heritage Paradox which consists of two

    Ukraine Heritage Spotlight: On the ground with UNESCO

    This is the fourth podcast in the “Ukraine Heritage Spotlight” series, which explores the heritage situation in Ukraine. This episode features Professor Chiara Dezzi Bardeschi, who heads the UNESCO Desk in Ukraine. As of mid-February 2024, UNESCO has verified damage to 342 sites since 24 February 2022 – 127 religious sites, 150 buildings of historical and/or artistic interest, 31 museums, 19 monuments, 14 libraries, and 1 archive. These numbers, which include only immovable cultural property, are getting higher each month. Chiara Dezzi Bardeschi. She holds a PhD in cultural heritage.

    Ukraine Heritage Spotlight: Vyshyvanka – Ukrainian embroidered activism

    Vyshyvanka is traditional Ukrainian embroidery. Its colourful patterns on shirts and other garments are more than just about beauty and high craftsmanship skills, however. In this feature episode, we explore how vyshyvankas have now taken on a deeper symbolism. Vyshyvankas have always had a symbolic meaning, referring to prosperity, luck and protection. Now, at a time of war with Russia, vyshyvankas have gained an even deeper symbolism – they signify the continuation of Ukrainian culture in the face of destruction of cultural heritage. Ukrainians believe that vyshyvankas have a magical

    Colonial statues in post-colonial Africa: a multidimensional heritage

    The paper adopts the concept of multidimensional heritage as a lens through which to investigate colonial statues in Africa, tracing their significance and evolution since the era of independence. Through transnational, diachronic, and multi-thematical perspectives, the study sheds light on the complex dynamics surrounding these statues within the African context, particularly in relation to their connections with former colonial powers in Europe. By conceptualising colonial statues as transnational phenomena, the paper underscores their broader implications and enduring legacies across borders, highlighting the intricate interplay between Africa and its colonial past.

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