Welcome to the European Heritage Hub,​

where cultural heritage connects

Welcome to the
European Heritage Hub,​

where cultural heritage connects

The European Heritage Hub is an EU funded pilot project bringing together heritage stakeholders and initiatives across Europe to support the transition towards a more sustainable, digital and inclusive society. The project will run for an initial two-year period from May 2023 to April 2025.

Learn more about the Hub

Our Mission

As a permanent knowledge, networking and advocacy platform for cultural heritage, the Hub aims to:

Foster synergies and cooperation between existing heritage actors and initiatives

Advocate for holistic policies and more structured coordination at all governance levels

Connect the heritage world with citizens and local communities

Our Mission

As a permanent knowledge, networking and advocacy platform for cultural heritage, the Hub aims to:

Foster synergies and cooperation between existing heritage actors and initiatives

Advocate for holistic policies and more structured coordination at all governance levels

Connect the heritage world with citizens and local communities
12 - 20

AI4Culture Hackathon

Leuven, Belgium
18 - 21

ForestConnect Expert Meeting Involving Protected Area Managers

Villach, Austria

ARCHE 3rd Member States and Associated Countries Workshop

05:00 CET

ARCHE 3rd Member States and Associated Countries Workshop: European Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage

05:00-09:30 CET

Hub Partners

The European Heritage Hub is run by a consortium of 20 partners led by Europa Nostra. From heritage institutions and civil society organisations to universities and historic cities, the Hub gathers a wide array of expertise and experience covering the whole of Europe. The project is funded by the European Union.

Hub Partners

The European Heritage Hub is formed by a consortium of 20 partners led by Europa Nostra. From museums, cities and civil society organisations active in the field of cultural heritage to sustainability, digitalisation or music, the Hub gathers a wide array of expertise covering the whole of Europe. The project is funded by the European Union.

Get involved

There are a number of ways you can engage with the European Heritage Hub:

1. Join the European Heritage Hub Community

2. Support our advocacy efforts

3. Connect with our programme development lab

4. Support the Hub financially

Twitter feed

🆕 Registrations open for the @esach_spirit #YouthHeritageDays, from 26-30 March in Albarracin 🇪🇸 Bringing together students & young professionals, we'll will explore the role of #CulturalHeritage in the triple transformation with a focus on depopulation 👉https://www.europeanheritagehub.eu/registrations-now-open-for-the-youth-heritage-days-in-albarracin-spain-under-the-framework-of-the-hub/

Creative Futures Academy was delighted to take part in the @EurHeritageHub educational study hosted by @ucddublin @Una_Europa member, at the Trapdoor on Wednesday 12th February with @HumanitiesUCD.

Read more: https://creativefuturesacademy.ie/news/european-heritage-hub-educational-study-hosted-by-cfa-ucd/


👋 We're in Dublin🇮🇪 for the 1st #StudyVisit of the Hub, tomorrow at @HumanitiesUCD!

🗓️From Feb to April, 5 study visits will take place at universities within @Una_Europa, exploring how #CulturalHeritage can drive green, digital & social transformation 👉https://www.europeanheritagehub.eu/european-heritage-hub-to-organise-5-educational-study-visits-at-una-europa-universities/


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