Guimarães’ District C: A model of sustainable urban development and cultural heritage preservation

How Guimarães is transforming ‘District C’ into a net-zero, culturally rich neighbourhood by engaging the community and integrating sustainable practices. Recognised by the European Heritage Hub among its call for 10 Local Good Practices, the District C Project in  Guimarães’, Portugal, exemplifies a unique approach to urban regeneration and sustainability, serving as a testing ground […]

Hub publishes Third Policy Review on Cultural Heritage and Green Transition

The Policy Team of the European Heritage Hub has published its third Policy Review, based on the findings of the Policy Monitor. This thematic review examines trends on green policies identified in the Policy Monitor up to October 2024. It follows the first review, which provided a snapshot of the diverse policies discovered across 18 countries […]

Join the Hub’s summer peer-learning visit to Glasgow and learn about local solutions for sustainable cultural heritage!

The European Heritage Hub invites city representatives and heritage professionals to apply for its upcoming peer-learning visit in Glasgow, taking place  8 – 10 July 2024. Organised in partnership with the City of Glasgow, this programme offers a unique opportunity to share good practices and acquire skills for addressing environmental, digital, and social challenges related […]

‘Connecting Civil Society for Heritage’ Conference to take place in Athens

The Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Athens is organising a conference entitled ‘Connecting Civil Society for Heritage’ on 8 – 9 April in Athens, Greece, bringing together civil society organisations and stakeholders from across the Balkans, Turkey and the Caucasus. The event takes place under the framework of the European Heritage Hub pilot project, with […]

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