NEMO Conference: Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation

10/11/2024 - 12/06/2024

[This event is organised by NEMO. The following text is the original description provided by the organisers. Please note that while we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the European Heritage Hub does not guarantee the accuracy or endorse the content of this event]

NEMO’s European Museum Conference “Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation”, taking place from 10-12 November 2024 in Sibiu, Romania, seeks to address the vital role museums (can) play in today’s challenged democracies.

Our societies are facing massive and disruptive challenges, and societal divisions seem to deepen by the day. Cultural institutions such as museums, therefore, are increasingly under pressure. At the NEMO European Museum Conference we will together explore the power museums have to face polarisation: Which possibilities do museums have to navigate controversies and foster dialogue and debate? How can museums better respond when caught in the crosshairs of socio-political debate. Additionally, the conference will discuss how to build strong relationships with underrepresented groups and foster their representation in polarising times. Finally, we will bring to light the growing political pressure that museums worldwide are grappling with; inviting and analysing possible (re)actions as models for prevention.

Let’s get inspired by examples from European museums and successful strategies from other sectors and reflect on our museums’ operations and the options we have – including effective community engagement, governance models, and conflict management strategies.

Register now to secure your ticket.

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