A Representação da Cultura nos Programas, Manifestos e Compromissos Eleitorais nas Eleições Legislativas 2024 em Portugal: Estudo Comparativo com as eleições Legislativas de 2022

This paper examines the representation of cultural policies in the electoral programs for the 2024 legislative elections in Portugal, comparing them to the previous 2022 elections. It highlights a persistent lack of prioritisation of culture within public policies, despite various political parties proposing measures to address issues such as precarious employment in the cultural sector and the need for better funding and support for cultural institutions.

Several political parties, including Livre, PS, and PAN, have put forth specific proposals aimed at combating precariousness among cultural professionals. These include promoting stable employment contracts, reducing bureaucracy, and aligning the status of cultural professionals with European legislation. The PS emphasises the importance of social protection for cultural workers, while PAN focuses on correcting obligations related to contributions and guarantees.

In the realm of libraries, the article notes that parties like BE and PS advocate for strengthening the National Network of Public Libraries and increasing funding for these institutions. Livre proposes expanding library hours and creating new educational facilities, including prison libraries, to enhance access to reading and study resources.

The article also touches on the issue of accessibility in publishing, with proposals from PS and Livre aimed at producing more books in accessible formats for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, PAN’s stance on tauromaquia calls for the abolition of bullfighting and the removal of public support for such events.

Overall, the article underscores the need for a cohesive and integrated approach to cultural policies in Portugal, urging political decision-makers to prioritise culture in their agendas to ensure its proper valuation and support within the national framework.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Manuel Gama, Jenny Campos
Culture, Cultural Policy, Elections
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