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  • Zákon č. 206/2009 Z. z.Zákon o múzeách a o galériách a o ochrane predmetov kultúrnej hodnoty a o zmene zákona Slovenskej národnej rady č. 372/1990 Zb. o priestupkoch v znení neskorších predpisov

    This law regulates: 1. The status and tasks of museums and galleries, their establishment and closure, the conditions for the exercise of basic professional activities in museums and galleries in the acquisition, protection and presentation of cultural objects as part of cultural heritage; 2. The protection of cultural objects which are registered under this Act and are not protected and registered under special regulations in the field of cultural heritage protection. 3. A cultural object is an original material or spiritual document that has the ability to testify, directly or

    Zákon č. 49/2002 Z.z. z 19. decembra 2001 o ochrane pamiatkového fondu v znení zákona č. 479/2005 Z.z. a zákona č. 208/2009 Z.z

    1. This Act regulates the conditions for the protection of cultural monuments, monumental areas, archaeological finds and archaeological sites in accordance with scientific knowledge and on the basis of international treaties in the field of European and world cultural heritage by which the Slovak Republic is bound. 2. This Act further regulates the organisation and competence of state administration bodies and territorial self-administration bodies, as well as the rights and obligations of owners and other legal entities and natural persons and the imposition of fines for illegal activities in the

    Deklarácia Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky o ochrane kultúrneho dedičstva. Zbierka zákonov Slovenskej republiky č. 91 / 2001, čiastka 39 z 20. marca 2001

    1. The cultural heritage of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as “cultural heritage”) is an irreplaceable wealth of the state and its citizens, it is a document of the development of society, philosophy, religion, science, technology, art, a document of the educational and cultural level of the Slovak nation, other nations, national minorities, ethnic groups and individuals who live or have lived in the past on the territory of Slovakia. 2. The different types and parts of cultural heritage shall be equal and shall form an integral part of

    Zákon NR SR č. 200/1994 Z. z. zo 14. júla 1994 o Komore reštaurátorov a o výkone reštaurátorskej činnosti jej členov v znení zákona č. 136/2010 Z. z.

    This law regulates: 1. In order to ensure qualified care for cultural heritage and to represent the state of restoration, protection of its interests and professional honor, the Chamber of Restorers (hereinafter referred to as the “Chamber”) with its seat in Bratislava is established and the conditions for the performance of restoration activities of its members are regulated. 2. The Chamber is a self-governing, non-political professional organization associating all restorers entered in the list of members of the Chamber maintained by the Chamber. 3. Chamber is a legal entity.

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